Our go to provider for extending the functionality of Elementor is Crocoblock, and their amazing suite of “Jet” plugins.
In a nutshell, these plugins add an powerful set of features to Elementor, that are not available typically available.
We use our Developer License to install any Crocoblock plugins on your website. Giving you hundreds of dollars worth of added power..
Our Top Three Favourites Elementor Plugins are:
Visit Plugin Page: https://crocoblock.com/plugins/jetengine/
This is the flag-ship of their plugin range. It will allow us to build Custom Post Types, Custom Taxonomies, Custom Post LIst Layouts, Custom Fields, Custom Profile Pages and more.
(Not sure what any of that means? Don’t worry, we’ll handle the creation of that stuff, and you can be sure that it will be easy for you to use once configured)
Visit Plugin Page: https://crocoblock.com/plugins/jetsmartfilters/
A powerful Post filter plugin that works great with WooCommerce and any Post type.
Easily build a sidebar filter for to help visitors sort by pretty much anything you can imagine.
Visit Plugin Page: https://crocoblock.com/plugins/jetmenu/
Our go-to “Mega Menu” plugin. You’ll love this one if you want your “Sub-Menus” to do more. This is what we’ll use to get extra content in drop-down menus, including images, popular posts, and lot’s more.
Elementor Website Design benefits: